Friday, September 13, 2019

How to prepare for a job interview PowerPoint Presentation

How to prepare for a job interview - PowerPoint Presentation Example When you get your interview call instead of thinking how will you dress for the interview you need to do some homework. The goal of a job interview is to present your best possible self to the employer. Most importantly is to show how you are an excellent match for the vacant position at the company. Having a casual attitude towards the job interview and thinking that you can wing it won’t help much instead you will land hard on your face on the day of the interview because nervousness causes huge deal of trouble and the only way to get rid of that nervousness is to prepare well before hand. The employer’s panel is looking for qualified applicants who show a serious commitment to their work and this commitment starts right from the interview phase. Employers seek out candidates who know the industry well and understand the mission of the company. They want someone who is eager to learn, open to new challenges, competitive and knows what to do in critical situations. All it takes is a few minutes for an employer to decide if one possesses these qualities or not. The very first thing before you start preparing for the interview is to gather all your confidence and get your mind right. Remember you are the best person for the job and you have to show them. First of all do some research on the company, know their markets, products and goal. Look for the smallest detail that might help you during your interview session. You should have an in depth knowledge of the position you are applying for. Know some facts about the company and make sure to cite them during the interview. Make a list of your skills or knowledge that would be valuable to them. You can even take help from your friends who are willing to list some traits about you which they have admired most. Rehearsals for the interview can be done with friends, career counselors or even in front of a mirror. The more you practice, the better you’ll get and the more comfortable you’ll feel. Self-assessment of your achievements, weaknesses, goals, interests, strengths, and vision (long term and short term both) is another very important thing that one should be prepare before the big day. Prepare yourself for all the questions that an employer might ask you after having a glance at your cv/resume or you. Be prepared to discuss anything on your cv/resume even if there are questions that you don’t want to answer to. Your answers should always be concise, to the point and clear. If you are given the opportunity ask questions that reflect your future prospects. Next thing to look for is your personal appearance.   You have to dress right for the job interview; don't wear anything that’s too vibrant. Decent, neat and clean are more important than fashion. Write down what you need to take with you. Your cv/resume, qualification papers, copies of references, samples of your work or anything else that they may want to see. Make sure everything is well orga nized and in a presentable manner and is error free. Hand gestures, body language, facial expressions, your voice, energy and enthusiasm in your answers should be checked and re-rechecked several times. Improvements and developments should be made to them where necessary since they might turn out to be a major turn over in the interview. Work on non-verbal’s to control anxiety or nervousness. Read articles about how you can polish

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